Laminate Care & Maintenance

Learn best practices for maintaining your laminate floors. 

Laminate flooring | Ronnie's Carpets & Flooring

Daily Laminate Care

Laminate floors are fairly low maintenance and will not require a ton of upkeep to consistently look their best.

When it comes to laminate, sweeping is key to keeping your floors looking pristine. When you sweep, you work to remove dirt, dust, and other debris present on your hardwood flooring. These particles and substances can scratch your floors and cause a dingy look over time. How often you sweep will depend on the traffic within the room. 

You may damp mop your floors, but be wary of using too much water as it could cause warping. Make sure the mop is damp, not wet.

You should also encourage guests to remove their shoes before entering your home. 

Vinyl Spill cleaning | Ronnie's Carpets & Flooring


Fortunately for laminate owners, liquid spills are not a major issue so long as you address them immediately after they occur. 

Laminate floor care | Ronnie's Carpets & Flooring


A broom is the key to ensuring all dry messes are cleaned up promptly and without issue. Sweep your floors regularly, regardless of whether a dry mess has occurred or not. 

Laminate floor mopping | Ronnie's Carpets & Flooring


You may wet mop your laminate floors, but be wary of using too much water as it could cause damage to your floor. Ensure that your mop is more damp than it is wet when completing this task. 

Floor Cleaning | Ronnie's Carpets & Flooring

Floor Cleaning

When it comes to floor cleaning services, Ronnie's Carpet and Flooring has your back. We offer a wide range of floor cleaning supplies, services, and resources so that you can ensure that your floors age well over time and consistently look their best.

No matter the flooring material and the number of years it has been installed, Ronnie's can help. Learn more about floor cleaning services or browse maintenance guides today.